Annual conference of the operations managers of the Swiss electricity industry
Brunnen, Switzerland
Keynote: “Der Weg von der Schreibtischlampe zu Realitätsblitzen“ („The path from the desk lamp to reality flashes“)
Annual meeting of the safety officers of the Swiss electricity industry (“SiBe” seminar)
Sursee, Switzerland
JUNE 27, 2024
Keynote: “Interpersonal communication as a crucial factor in preventing (fatal) accidents”
Annual Radiology Congress: “Herzensangelegenheiten”
Pontresina, Switzerland
MARCH 16, 2024
Keynote: “Between images & words: The SACCIA concept for strong patients and teams”
Energieforschungsgespräche Disentis
Disentis, Switzerland
JANUARY 25, 2024
Keynote: “Communication in Crisis: Lessons for Climate- and Energy Communication”
Patient Safety Event: “More Safety – for Patients, with Patients”
Canton Hospital Lucerne, Switzerland
SEPTEMBER 11, 2023
Keynote: “The missing link: How communication saves lives.”
12th International Nursing, Healthcare, and Patient Safety Conference
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
JULY 26, 2023
Keynote: “Horizons for Safe Communication: What have we (not yet) done?”
Swiss Association for Quality Management in Healthcare (sQmh)
Zurich, Switzerland
NOVEMBER 21, 2022
Keynote: “Do you speak medicine-ish? Communication is more than language.”
Bayer Forum Oculus
MARCH 6, 2021
Keynote: “The relationship between safe communication and successful medicine”
Actionable Patient Safety Solutions (APSS) Webinar: Covid-19 Update
Patient Safety Movement Foundation (online)
JULY 22, 2020
Invited Presentation: “Handoff-communication”
Actionable Patient Safety Solutions (APSS) Webinar: Covid-19 Update
Patient Safety Movement Foundation (online)
APRIL 10, 2020
Invited Presentation: “A Way Out of Despair into Hope”
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation “Grand Challenges” Meeting
Berlin, Germany
OCTOBER 18, 2018
Invited Presentation: “Patient Safety and Safe Communication”
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2018
RAI Exhibition and Convention Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
MAY 3, 2018
Invited Presentation: "Protecting Patients from Harm: The Science of Safe Communication in Healthcare"
61. Jahrestagung des VKD (61th Annual Conference of the German Association for Hospital Directors)
Lübeck, Germany
MAY 4, 2018
Keynote: "Safe Communication in Hospitals"
30. Fachberufekonferenz der Bundesärztekammer (30th Health Professions Conference of the German Medical Association)
Berlin, Germany
FEBRUARY 27, 2018
Keynote: “Patient Safety from a Communication Science Perspective”
6th World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit
Patient Safety Movement Foundation, London, UK
FEBRUARY 24, 2018
Invited Expert: Curriculum for Schools Panel
Joe Kiani, Bill Clinton, Annegret Hannawa, Alicia Cole at the World Patient Safety Summit in London
Deutscher Krebskongress (German Cancer Congress) 2018
Berlin, Germany
FEBRUARY 22, 2018
Invited presentation: "Patientensicherheit, Fehlerkultur und "sichere" Kommunikation" ("Patient Safety, Safety Culture and "Safe" Communication")
Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KBV): Nationales Qualitätszirkel-Tutorentreffen
(German Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians: National Quality Circle Meeting of Tutors)
Berlin, Germany
NOVEMBER 17, 2017
Keynote: "Communication in Healthcare -- The Close Relationship Between Communication Competence and Successful Medicine."
Gesellschaft für Qualitätsmanagement in der Gesundheitsversorgung (GQMG) Summercamp
(German "Society for Quality Management in Healthcare" Summercamp)
Aschaffenburg, Germany
AUGUST 12, 2017
Keynote: "SACCIA Communication: New Pathways for Better Daily Care"
Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit (APS) Jahrestagung 2017
(German "Aktionsbündnis" for Patient Safety Annual Conference 2017)
Berlin, Germany
MAY 4, 2017
Keynote: “New Horizons for Patient Safety: 'Safe' Communication"
Global Ministerial Patient Safety Summit 2017
Bonn, Germany
MARCH 29, 2017
Invited presentation: “Keeping Patients Safe: The Role of Competent Communication”
WHO Global Summit: “Setting Priorities for Global Patient Safety”
Florence, Italy
SEPTEMBER 26-28, 2016
Invited presentation: “Communication Issues in Patient Safety”
Thementag: “Das Schweigen der Ärzte: Ärztliche Kommunikation”
(One-Day Conference entitled “The Silence of Physicians: Medical Communication”)
Institute for History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine, University of Mainz, Germany
JANUARY 16, 2016
Keynote: “Das Schweigen der Ärzte- Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Anregungen für ein ethisch sensibles Thema” (“The silence among physicians: Implications from the communication sciences for an ethically sensitive topic”)
Conference: “Communication for the Prevention and Management of Adverse Events,” Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Cagliari/Sardinia, Italy
MAY 20, 2015
Keynote: “Communication and Patient Safety: The Golden Bridge”
Blezinger Conference: „The Hospital of the Future,” Luzern, Switzerland
OCTOBER 18, 2014
Keynote: “IT, Safety and Communication”
1st Annual European Medical Safety Conference, European Surgical Institute, Hamburg, Germany
OCTOBER 7-8, 2014
Keynote: “Communication and Medical Error,” sponsored by Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices
Ph.D. Seminar Lugano/Basel (Oktober 2013) MAS Food Safety (NVC, IPC)
7 - 8 October 2013
Invited teaching: Introductory seminars to Interpersonal and Nonverbal Communication Competence.
AURORA, O.N.Da & ISES, Milano, Italy
25 October 2012
Keynote: “Communication Competence: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Applications” (co-sponsored by the European Parliament)
University of Lugano, Switzerland
14 September 2010
Invited presentation: When Competence Saves Lives: Operationalizing Skillful Physician Disclosures of Medical Mistakes (sponsored by the Institute of Communication and Health, Faculty of Communication Sciences)
Free University of Berlin, Germany
17 August 2010
Invited presentation: When the Truth Hurts: Conceptualizing a Multimodal Approach to Mistake Disclosures in Doctor-Patient Interactions (sponsored by the Freie Universität Berlin, Excellence Cluster "Languages of Emotion")